Laryngoscopy Procedure

So, I have been having a bit of trouble with my voice lately and decided to go to the doctor to see what is up.  Nothing serious, but I was worried that I may have damaged my vocal folds from singing too much and too improperly.  But much to my relief, the video shows that my vocal folds are nice and healthy and closing like they should.  Whoo!!!  I feel better!  But I still have some discomfort so I may have Gastrointestinal reflux or just allergies.  Who knows, but at least my voice is fine.  You can see in the video, especially at marker 56, that when I make an "E" sound, my vocal folds close perfectly.  So, I guess what I got from this video is that I really need to practice and start taking vocal lessons.  Sorry if this is kinda gross, but I think this is fascinating.  

Till next time!


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